World Bank and International Finance Corporation
Reviewing and building capability in the World Bank’s approach to thematic knowledge sharing in its ‘Practice Groups’. World Bank and International Finance Corporation
Duties in this project included:
- Reviewing the existing K.M. strategy and creating a documented and new approach for Communities of Practice, supporting this with a combination of training resources, documentation, gamification and an e-book/app. The ‘Charter Template’ and other resources introduced by us are still in widespread use in the World Bank today
- The 61-page ‘Gardeners Guide to Communities of Practice’ was published by the World Bank, accompanied by a training programme which we delivered
- Designed and facilitated a strategic retreat for 60 of the World Bank’s K.M. Specialists and practice leaders
- A Practice Group ‘Health Check’ tool was produced to assist the evaluation of the Bank’s networks and communities
*This project is an example of previous work delivered by Chris Collison of Knowledgeable Ltd, with whom we now partner.